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    Anjouan obtained Independence from France, together with the other Islands of Comoros in 1975.

    Anjouan then stayed independent together with the other islands of Comoros until 1997 when Anjouan declared its willingness to be independent from the Comoros. This created the beginning of the separatist crises, which lasted until 1999 when Anjouan was granted autonomous status. The new government began work immediately to tackle all legislative issues.

    Autonomy has brought with it many advantages to this island nation. Laws passed through parliament regarding offshore activity have enabled Anjouan to become a credible offshore centre. The legislation is both innovative and flexible, thus making the island a very attractive offshore financial centre.

    The laws & Legislation which were passed in 2005 not only allow for a dynamic approach to offshore business, but equally as important, the new laws focus closely on the reduction of money laundering and any form of financial crime.

    Should you require further information regarding the laws and Legislation, please feel free to contact us directly at